1. A ball is out of bounds if played over or beyond the centre line of any boundary hedge or fence; the hedge on the right of the 5th, 6th, 14th and 15th holes; the hedge on the left of the 9th and 18th holes; from the tee to the top of the driving range hedge on the 8th and 17th holes; the practice ground; the car park and beyond the clubhouse.
2. A ball may be lifted and dropped without penalty within one club length of the nearest point of relief, and not nearer the hole, if it lies in any wheel track or cart rut.
3. A ball lying on the concrete paved area in front of the main clubhouse or ladies clubhouse, in any flower beds or on the paving in front of the small clubhouse must be lifted and dropped in the nearest dropping zone without penalty.
4. A ball must be lifted and dropped not nearer the hole without penalty if lying near staked trees, in accordance with the procedure outlined in Rule 24-2 (immovable obstruction).
5. Water hazards are defined as the pond on the left of the 1st and 10th fairway, the spring and pools in front on the 7th and 16th green
6. If a ball in play strikes a marker post it may be replayed without penalty.
7. Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions. Rule 24-1 applies.
8. A ball lying on a temporary green must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole without penalty.
9. There is no fairway on the 2nd and 11th holes. A ball lying within the mown area may be marked and cleaned under winter rules.
10. A ball lying on a pathway may be lifted and dropped at the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, without penalty, other than the track to the right of the 2nd and 11th holes. The area of worn ground at the rear of the 6th and 15th holes is not a pathway.
11. The right hand side of the 2nd/ 11th hole is a lateral water hazard (red posts). Relief may be taken under Rule 26c.
12. A ball deflecting off the steps halfway up the 2nd/11th hole may be replayed from where the last stroke was played without penalty.
13. The bell on the 9th and 18th holes is an immovable obstruction. Rule 24-2 applies.
14. In wet conditions, a ball plugged in its own pitch mark anywhere through the green may be lifted, cleaned and without penalty, either: a) if in the rough, dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole; b) if in a closely mown area, replaced as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole. Rule 25-2 applies.
15. 3rd/12th, 4th/13th holes: The area by the monkey puzzle tree, marked by red posts proceed under Rule 17